Murder Party en entreprise - Ambiance

Murder Party

The detective Party


Murder Party, murder mystery evening, murder mystery away day,
whodunnit, role plays, cluedo.

Menotte soirée enquête Cluedo - Murder Party Entreprise
Menotte soirée enquête Cluedo – Caravelle Consulting

Solving a mystery !

A Detective Party is a team building activity which consists of solving an enigma presented and staged by the organisers.

Our different themes will transport you from the Middle Ages to the 17th century (the  so-called Age of Enlightenment), to the Belle Epoque (early 1900’s),  or to the contemporary and cosy atmosphere of a mountain chalet. You decide.

It’s a creative, fun and unifying event that reveals unsuspected talents !

Cluedo Giant Outdoor - Solving a mystery
Cluedo Giant Outdoor

You play the investigators 

Our games are like real police investigations but more fun! Teams of detectives try to solve a crime and unmask the culprit from amongst the suspects, who are also played by members of your group.

You must question suspects and cross-reference their testimonies to see who is being “economical with the truth” (or lying if you prefer to speak plainly!) You will also take part in different games and challenges linked to the theme, to win vital clues for your team!

You play the investigators suspects
You play the investigators suspects assassins
Adapted to the timing and location of your seminar
Adapted to the timing and location of your seminar

Adapted to the timing and location of your seminar

Our murder party  lasts from 2 to 4 hours (according to your timing) and can take place during a meal (an effective use of this time) or at any other time of day.
Depending on the place you have chosen for your seminar, the game can be played in one sole room (a restaurant, or meeting room) or in additional adjacent rooms (bar, cellar, library, dungeon…) and any surrounding areas (gardens, parks…), notably for the challenges linked to the inquest. In good weather it can be played entirely outside.
We can also help you find the right venue for your event all over France.
Alternatively, if you wish to inaugurate new business premises or if you have time or budgetary constraints, Caravelle Consulting can come to you!

Tailor-made to your group for maximum participation

Our detective parties have different mechanisms according to your group’s composition and size.
The theme, the size of the teams, the way the interviews are conducted, the number and types of games to win clues are adapted to ensure optimum participation.
The presenters stimulate group dynamics through frequent rhythm changes and challenges between teams.
Clues can be exchanged during the game but the conclusion is specific to each team. Each verdict is presented at the end of the game before the master or mistress of ceremonies (whether it be Hercule Poivrot, Melusine the Celtic fairy, or Fritz the Austrian yodler) gives the complete solution.

Tailor-made to your group for maximum participation
Tailor-made to your group for maximum participation


Call to : +336 80 23 19 41

Fill out the form : C’est parti !

Immediate debrief according to your criteria (optional)

If you wish we can also give a spontaneous debrief on the game and the functioning of the group.
The criteria and evaluation method are validated before the seminar and the vocabulary and concepts that we use will take into account your company’s terminology and values.

Break with the professional environment

You have a company event or away day to mark an important moment.  The Murder Party, the theme of which is often influenced by the style of the event’s location,  accentuates this rupture and creates:

A new field of expression for creativity and communication infront of a public as well as in a more intimate circle.
An opportunity to connect or strengthen ties between participants and to see one’s colleagues under a totally different light.
An opportunity to show initiative and find pleasure in a common activity. This “break” in a relaxed atmosphere, in which the stakes are not high, releases energy and can dissolve mental blocks that may have come from habit, preconceptions or structural organisations.
Break with the professional environment
Break with the professional environment

The murder party creates a new group dynamic by offering the participants character roles in a different era, circumstances and location. The choice of venue whether it be cosy, original or prestigious place, additionally influences the theme of the activity : exclusive, cultural, gastronomic.  Although fun and unusual, this game also requires that the principals of  group work and project management be applied.

The variety of challenges in the second phase of the murder party ensure the interest and involvement of the maximum number of participants. It also illustrates the advantages of generational and cultural complementarity within a team.
Solving the enigma, coming to a plausible conclusion create the mechanisms of “team building”.

A potted history of the Murder Party

The word “party” became common currency in the French language with the introduction of “surprise parties”, the aim of which was obviously to astonish the guests.

The Murder Party first appeared in Great Britain at the beginning of the 20th century with the creation of detective stories such as the famous Sherlock Holmes series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The surprise, a “murder”, was the occasion to solve a fictive crime between friends.

The Murder Party was introduced into corporate events both for its fun aspect (the party) and for the team building or team bonding that result from a shared effort to solve the enigma.

If the Murder Party can include some gory details and dramatic staging, our corporate version is called a Detective Party and is more focused on the team investigation aspect. However choosing a venue in keeping with the era of the chosen theme can only add to the atmosphere!

Why choose the term Detective Party?

The term “ Detective Party ” puts the focus on the investigation and research necessary to solve a crime and it is equally applicable to any mystery, enigma or secret in a rally, or treasure hunt.

Above all the “ Detective Party ” has a more positive ring to it than “ Murder Party ” and avoids falling into the overly sensational, particularly if the activity occurs after a difficult period for the company. Its aim is to create a new energy in a warm, fun and convivial atmosphere.

Finally, the term Detective Party can be extended to an outdoor or daytime event, whilst a Mystery Evening is by definition in the evening, generally over dinner.

The “ Detective Party ” is a team quest in a festive atmosphere, an occasion to break the ice, to get to know one another better and to work as a team whilst keeping the healthy level of competition that is part of any game.